We believe there is something equal to life; health. We aim to use our combined skills to prevent sickness. We believe each person is part of the same Spirit; this Spirit of both great and small, wants all of us to help, so as to make the world a household of care. Signs of wisdom are silence, listening, and action; Wisdom is found in those who are open to advice and work together. But, faith without action is empty; as we have opportunity, let us try to do good for all who come here.
Our practice is built on personal patient responsibility. We are a partnership between patients, practitioners, nurses, and others.
Equal respect must be given to each and every member of our team.
Insured, underinsured, and non-insured people may be accepted, depending on circumstances and motivations.
We need to collect reimbursement in order to treat individuals, keep our practice open, and be available for all our patients. Insurance companies require that we collect your co-pay before you’re seen [if insured].
Not everyone will fit into our practice routines. If navigating the healthcare system along with your help, cooperation, support, politeness, lifestyle changes, proper medication, etc. becomes too costly, difficult, or time-consuming for us, we reserve the right to stop our partnership with you. In that event, we will help you in trying to find alternative healthcare.
There may be occasional interim visits for dietary/supplemental visits. One of our goals is not only to prevent illness, but also to improve your overall health, and keep you out of the hospital, emergency room, or urgent care facility, please try and call us first before going to one of these facilities. We may be able to speed your visit or help you avoid long waits, unnecessary visits, etc., especially if you don’t have a life-threatening illness or if your problem occurs during our regular working hours.
Very few disability claims are accepted, though we are willing to review and access them for the cost of an office visit. Our main emphasis is to make you more functional, more mobile, and to rely less on disability/dependency-producing medication.
We discourage a sense of entitlement. You should be actively improving your health situation and not waiting on a physician or outside institution to make things tolerable for you. Stay active. Stay involved. Use or develop social network.
We spend an extended amount of time on health education.
We expect patients to keep their appointments. A 24-hour notice is required for canceled appointments; otherwise, there will be a $40 charge added to your bill.
If you need the price of a medication lowered, it will entail a special office visit.
Please bring all medications, vitamins, and supplements to each visit; and your insurance card and medication formulary book also.