The Evergreen Diet Plan for Sloths (both employees and clients of EHP)
The 1st step in our exclusive diet plan is even more basic than exercise; it's NEAT-non exercise activity thermogenesis. Everything you do requires movement; talking on the phone, talking two points., attending meetings, receiving packages. from the UPS guy/gal, etc. do these standing and gesticulating, marching in place, etc.- be creative! Fidget without acting totally absurd [points.'ll think you have a neurological movement disorder] . don't scare points., reps, vendors, etc. away; but tastefully exaggerate your movements [u might wanna have upbeat classical music playing softly n the background]. when u'r not moving, fewer muscles and brain cells and peripheral nerves are recruited [if u don't use it youu may lose it]. desk-sitters expend at least 1,000 more calories per day, than say a worker that is upright and walking all day. NEAT expenditures can be changed within your existing environment. You don't have to change your job or lack of one 2 increase your NEAT score. by doing so, u can raise your calorie expenditure by 1,000 calories/day. And when u go home, don't sit down and watch TV; you can watch TV, moving various body parts [I don't recommend fidgeting at the dinner table, unless others agree]. Studies have reported there is an association between sedentary behaviors and a sizable increase in the risk of cancer, especially. colon cancer; so get off your butt, but continue trying two be productive. NEXT-diet basics b4 u set the table